‘Boiled Beans on Toast’ : Reflection of Confused India

Girish Karand’s ‘Boiled Beans on Toast’ had portrayed several layers of the Banglore city life through various characters of different social, economical background. Boiled Beans name is associated with myth behind the name of the city- Bengaluru. In 11th century, hungry king received handful of boiled beans hence king named the place Bendakaaluru which today become Banglore. Urban family with ambitious members having different vision due to generation gap creates the chaos. Lonely housewife housewife regains her lost singing voice in a hospice. Her son is trying to identify his own space to become musician rather preferring traditional job culture. Wherein conservative grandmother (old lady) of the boy looks for the vision of power in racecourse game. An young educated man suffers from the false promises of getting good job and fall in the trap of people with wasted interest. Urban Family’s women servants with ambitious past migrated from countryside stru...