Are you ready for the labour market?

After a long quest, time has come to reap the benefits of earlier investment in education and continue to develop the skills needed for the productive livelihood. It is great challenge for anybody to transit from student life to labour market. This transition phase is also very crucial because most learning occurs at the beginning of the work life, initial experiences can have long lasting effects.

Almost all our friends may have left school earlier than us and entered in a new stage of life- some to begin wage work, some to engage in family business, some to form household and raise families & some to do combination of these activities. But we are enough lucky to get opportunity to study in reputed institutes and to learn a lot. Hence we should be ready to face the transition phase of new life. Now we should pray like a Chinese student mentioned in the World Development Report 2007: Development and Next Generation – “I am positive for my future. I am sure I will find a job sooner or later and the first job doesn’t mean a job that I will do my whole life. The most important thing for me is to improve myself”

But getting job is not most vital thing in your life. I remember the few lines of the Dr. Manmohan Singh address on the eve of the 29th convocation of the Sri Satya institute of Higher learning-

“As you venture out into the world at large, it is important that you keep in mind that many around you who have not had the privileges that you have enjoyed. You have been exposed to fine minds. You have had access to excellent libraries. You have imbibed time-tested values. Above all, you have been able to think for yourselves, to achieve your full potential and you have the opportunity to become better human beings. But your lives will not be complete or successful if you do not reach out in whatever way you can to those less fortunate than you. As you chart your course in life, truly give thought to and do what you can to help those who have been less fortunate and less privileged than you. I am not talking about charity, I have in mind the idea of sharing, of giving of yourselves, your abilities and skills, to lend a helping hand where nobody else stands ready. I congratulate you on your graduation and wish you well in the future.”


  1. Wooow! so finally ready for the transition phase!
    Prepare for the worst n hopin for d best!!!


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