I was in Delhi on 11th december. I was just passing through the 10 Janpath. The foothpath was crowded with people. There were poor and the rich, everyone was there.(might waiting for someone) I was also like them but people in the crowd were looking at me curiously .......... I don't know why ? (May be because I was going towards them ,,,,,,,,, in India, late/akele jate ho to aapaki taraf VIP ki tarah dekhate hai !!!!!!!!!!!. ) I was with my friend. We were talking frankly and crossed the main gate of the 10 Janapth( official residence of the Soniya /////// Rahul Gandhi too...... ) I was thinking about the entire Gandhi family,,, Panditji, Indiraji, Rajivji, Sanjayji , soniyaji and rahulji ...... I was looking very proudly at that historical house------------- ultimately it is the political powerhouse of the nation.( I know India is democratic nation) I was lost in the past, entire history of the nation was moving like a film....... Pre- independence era....... 1st indepe...